Friday, January 28, 2011

How to Make Chocolate Smores Cake Pops

I created some chocolate smores cake pops last night & tried to capture some pictures as I went along to show folks how to do it.
Step 1: Bake a cake in a 9" x 13" pan (any recipe you want - I used chocolate).
Step 2: Crumble up the cooled, cooked cake
Step 3: Mix about 1 cup of icing (I used cream cheese icing) in with the crumbled cake until moist.
Step 4. Form cake balls. I used a medium sized scoop and formed oblong shapes instead of round balls. I also finally remembered to take my first picture on this step.

Step 5: Place cake forms onto waxed paper on a sheet pan. Chill for about 1 hour.
Step 6: Melt candies. Hold half of the cake ball & dip into the melted candy (I used white vanilla candy melts). At the same time, dip the stick in a little bit of the melted candy & insert it in the same end you just dipped. (I forgot to take a picture of this step.)
Step 7: Place 1/2 dipped cake balls back on pan to chill again for about 30 minutes.
Step 8: Melt the second color candy melt (I used chocolate). Hold the cake pop by the stick (that should now be firmly sealed to the cake pop) and dip the top into the melted candy. I used a spoon to help get all the nooks & crannies.
Step 9: Twirl cake pop to get all the excess candy off.
Step 10: Quickly add whatever toppings you like. I added 3 mini marshmallows on top. The cake pop is cold so the candy hardens pretty fast. Work fast to get the toppings added within 30 seconds of the dipping.
Step 11: Quickly sprinkle on the gram cracker crumbs. I love that these now come in a box already crumbled.
Step 12: Drizzle on a little bit more chocolate for that final pizazz.
Step 13: After a couple of minutes, these are completely dry & ready to put in a small candy bag.
Step 14: Tie your favorite ribbon on & you're done!

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